Posted in contest, fiction, fiction book, mystery, romance, romantic suspense, suspense, thriller, writer

Congrats $100.00 Book Buying Spree Winner!

Congratulations to Mary McAuley who won the $100.00 book buying spree at Indigo/Chapters/Coles.  Everyone who subscribes to my newsletter was entered into the draw, along with people who dropped by my book signings over the spring.  Mary is a dedicated reader but, like me, always seems to spend far more than anticipated when she heads into the bookstore. In fact, she’d already busted her budget when she stopped by to chat, but couldn’t resist picking up a copy of LET THE SHADOWS FALL BEHIND YOU.  

When I called Mary with the good news, she told me she loved my novel and was reading far more than she usually does at night because she can’t put it down. Thank you, Mary. I always love to hear what readers think of my book.   Mary, enjoy shopping ‘guilt free’ on your next visit to the book store.

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“LET THE SHADOWS FALL BEHIND YOU may by Kathy-Diane Leveille’s first novel, but if this book is any indication of her gifts both as a weaver of fascinating stories and a poet of natural expression then it will most assuredly not be her last! ….a fine debut.”  -Grady Harp, Top 10 Amazon Reviewer

Posted in contest, fiction, fiction book, inspiration, mystery, romance, romantic suspense, suspense, thriller, writer, writing

Thank you Jan’s Book Club!

I had a wonderful time this week dropping by Jan’s Book Club in Riverview to meet the lovely ladies who make up its reading members.  They chose my novel LET THE SHADOWS FALL BEHIND YOU as their selection this month and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting and chatting with them about the writing process, inspiration, plot, setting and characters.  They are a lively, curious, insightful bunch.  Best of all, I was treated to a piece of blueberry cheesecake, the recipe for which will be featured in the summer edition of my newsletter.

Jan’s Book Club is supporting Canadian authors by reading their books.  Thank you!  They offered some interesting reflections on the writings they’ve sampled so far; particularly that we can sometimes be a somber bunch.  It’s true.  I wonder if it has something to do with the harsh and wild, ever changing landscape we live in.   Art feeds life and life feeds art. 

I was also interested to learn that the lovely quilt draped over the back of  the couch had been sewn by Jan.  Very talented!  It is really a stunning piece of work;  a lovely piece of art.  Writing is much like quilting, piecing together bits of this and that with a vision of the whole in mind; but not knowing for certain how it will all turn out.  It is always extremely rewarding to talk to readers who receive the work and add their own perspective to it.

Congratulations to Eleanor who won the doorprize I brought, a $25.00 gift certificate for Chapters/Indigo/Coles and a bag of chocolates. Thanks for having me and happy reading.

“Leveille’s settings and characters—their hopes and fears, verbal and behavioural ticks, even their smells—are keenly observed and full of sensual presence.” – The Globe and Mail