Posted in fiction, fiction book, fundraiser, fundraising, literary, literary mainstream, mystery, novel, romance, romantic suspense, writer

World Vision Trauma Centers: Child Exploitation

spirit8I would to thank all my friends at Saint David’s United Church, fellow book lovers, book clubs and all the kind folk who attended the launch of “Standing in the Whale’s Jaw” and dropped into the store signings. Part of the proceeds from each copy sold is being donated to World Vision’s Recovery Centers for victims of child trafficking. I’m happy to report I was able to mail a cheque to them today for $1000.00.

The trauma centers do offer hope for children traumatized by the unspeakable emotional and physical abuse of the commercial sex trade. When they flee the vicious cycle of exploitation, the centers provide health care, counselling, life and job skills training and begin to help them heal and move onto better lives. World Vision also advocates for child rights and better child protection laws. This is key, I think, and, most important, they educate children and families targeted by traffickers.

At this time of year when I see so many happy healthy children, starry eyed and rosy cheeked, brimming with the excitement of the holidays, the knowledge that this horrible stuff exists in our world sickens me.  I hope this small donation moves us one step closer to a world where every child is safe and sheltered.

A big Thank you!


Posted in fiction, fiction book, literary, literary mainstream, mystery, novel, Uncategorized, writer, writing, writing tips

Book Launch at the FogLit Festival

foglit2  Join me for the launch of my  new novel “Standing in the Whale’s Jaw” (Tightrope Books) at the opening ceremony of the FogLit Book Festival on October 3rd at 1:00 p.m. in the Saint John Free Public Library at Market Square. Drop by for a reading, signing and munchies. It’s free! Enter a draw to win a gift certificate from Element 5 Day Spa.  A portion of each book sold is being donated to WORLD VISION TRAUMA RECOVERY CENTERS for victims of child trafficking.  If you can’t make the launch, see the EVENTs page for a list of upcoming books signings.

Last time I participated in a book festival in this library, I was ‘piped in.’ A colorful bag piper– complete with kilt–serenaded the authors in a grand majestic parade through the doors and up the stairs. I can’t wait to see what they have in store this time. By the way, the FogLit Festival runs through the weekend and features free writing workshops and readings. Indigo is running the book table so lots of bookworm browsing to be done. There’s ghost stories, historical walks, music and, if you’re 19 or over, a wine tasting. Authors  include Beth Powning, David Adams Richards, Donna Morrissey and many, many more.  The writing workshops run the gamut from memoir, short fiction, poetry and, for the kids, comic books. Be sure to drop by.

See you there!


“Leveille has set her story in a bygone place and time so vividly evoked that the reader is transported to experience it
through the richly realized characters.” -Trudy Morgan-Cole, Author of That Forgetful Shore

“Nineteen thirties rural New Brunswick shines in this multi-layered, coming-of-age murder mystery. I hope we hear from Elsa Byrd and Lavinia Twigg again – they make a first-rate detective team.”     – Laurie Glenn Norris Author of Haunted Girl